
Sponsorship Opportunities

Now into the seventh Forestry Awards, an opportunity exists for businesses involved in the forestry industry to partner with Northland Wood Council.

We are seeking the support of the entire region to make it a success again and to provide the chance to celebrate the high achievers and players that hold mana within the industry. The value proposition for sponsorship will ensure your business reaches the industry target market, will generate networks and will grow the profile of your business to the benefit of the region.

Get involved, call today and engage.

NFA Supreme Forest Industry Award
$7k sponsorship + GST

(with naming rights to the Awards Programme and major trophy)

Recognises an individual for leading in their field of expertise, demonstrating excellence in professional skills, attitude & attributes and recognised by their peers and employers and of genuine good character.

To be eligible for this award the individual must have been awarded any of the following certificates from the Forestry Awards:

  1. Forestry Excellence
  2. Roading Excellence
  3. Harvesting Excellence
  4. Distribution Excellence
  5. Tree Faller Excellence
  6. Primary Wood Processing Excellence
  7. Secondary Wood Processing Excellence
  8. Woman in Forestry Excellence
  9. Log Truck Driver Excellence

Industry Excellence - Trophy

 Sponsorship + GST
Supreme Forest Industry Award$7000
Forestry Family of the Year$5000
Outstanding Innovation Excellence$5000
Outstanding Health & Safety Management$5000
Outstanding Environmental Management$5000
Special Elite Sponsor of the Awards Dinner$5000
Master of Ceremony$5000

Skilled Professional - Certificate

 Sponsorship + GST
Forestry Excellence (individual – establishment, silviculture, fire) $3500
Roading Excellence (individual)$3500
Harvesting Excellence (individual)$3500
Distribution Excellence (individual - log truck drivers, dispatch, port workers)$3500
Primary Wood Processing Excellence (individual)$3500
Secondary Wood Processing Excellence (individual)$3500
Tree Faller Excellence (individual)$3500
Woman in Forestry Excellence (individual)$3500
Log Truck Driver of the Year (individual)$3500
Emerging Talent of the Year (individual)$3500

Training Excellence - Certificate

 Sponsorship + GST
Trainee of the Year$3500

Special Awards

 Sponsorship + GST
Good Deed Award$3500

Other Sponsorship Opportunities

Please note we are always keen to discuss new ideasSponsorship + GST
Radio adverts (one month prior)$2500
VIP tables$2500
Nomination form (back page)$2500
Post supplement (banner)$2500
Cocktail drinks to start the dinner (pre-dinner)$2500
Newspaper adverts (3 issues)$2500
Candle wraps and placemats$2500
Table wine$2500